Basic Of Python Programming

Course Duration : 60HOURS

Core java syllabus - object oriented programming (oops concept) in java

  1. Python - What, Where And Why?
  2. History And Features Of Python
  3. Introduction Python Program Tools
  4. Create Python Project
  5. Python Programming Syntax
  6. Variable And Data Type
  7.  Operators In Python
  8.  Single Line / Multiline Comments In Python
  1. If
  2. If Else
  3. Nested If Else
  1. For Loop
  2. While Loop
  3. Neste Loops
  1. Break
  2. Continue
  3. Pass
  1. Accessing Strings
  2. Basic Operations String Slices
  3. Function And Methods
  1. Introduction
  2.  Accessing List
  3. Operations
  4. Working With Lists.
  5. Function And Methods.
  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing Tuples
  3. Tuple Operations
  4. Functions And Methods
  1. Introduction
  2. Accessing Values In Dictionaries
  3. Working With Dictionaries
  4. Properties Functions
  1. Defining A Function
  2. Calling A Function
  3. Types Of Functions
  4. Function Arguments
  5. Anonymous Functions
  6. Global And Local Variables
  1. Importing Module
  2. Math Module
  3. Packages
  4. Composition
  1. Printing On Screen
  2. Reading Data From Keyboard
  3. Opening And Closing File
  4. Reading And Writing Files Functions
  1. Predefined Exception
  2. Handling Except Clause
  3. Try ? Finally Clause
  4. User Defined Exceptions
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